Sun Oaks Townhouse Owners (SOTM) consists of 28 townhomes. You are a member of SOTM by being an owner of a townhome. You are also a member of the Sun Oaks Homeowners Association (SOHA). As a townhouse owner you are represented by the Townhouse Council which is a body of 3 townhouse owners who serve 1 year terms and are elected by the 28 townhouse owners. The Council may hire contractors, review bids and have access to all documents that pertain to the townhouse lots. The Townhouse Council will prepare and present an annual budget to Townhouse Owners for approval.
The budget for SOTM consists of landscape maintenance for common areas surrounding the townhouse and the Upper Clubhouse area, water and irrigation for the same area, gutter cleaning annually for each unit, painting fund for exterior of each unit (10 year rotation) and reserve fund for sewer repairs. Along with the monthly SOTM dues, townhouse owners also pay the regular SOHA dues.